We’re very lucky to have a temperate climate in the UK. Although we think we have a rough deal with the weather, it’s actually very good in all manner of ways ………. normally!
You can’t have escaped that it’s currently HOT (although we’re sure you’d like to!). It’s all over the news, the papers, and particularly social media. We’re experiencing the kind of weather normally felt in the Tropics Zone, HOT HOT HOT.
We humans can manage, it’s a little difficult to work in or sleep in, but we manage. We can regulate our temperature very well, have cold drinks, cool baths, go for a swim, sit in the shady breeze, pop the aircon on, wear small Speedos that shouldn’t be seen in public!
Our pets are different. We all know that “Dog Die in Hot Cars ” (although evidently some people still don’t!!), we all know to walk dogs early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler; but what else is there that we can do for our Hot Dogs, and our often forgotten Hot Cats?

Well, there’s lots of things the professional pet care organisations advise. Ideally your dog needs to stay calm and relaxed as a starter, so no running about and no hyper-excitement.
“No dog dies from missing a walk” is a phrase that you’ll see on social media. That’s totally true in the respect of hot weather. Dogs can miss a walk but shouldn’t miss out!
By not missing out, we mean that the dog can still have a nice time with their owners at home, or in a shady part of the garden. Ideally, they could paddle or lay in a small pool, or have water mist sprayed upwind from them so it drifts back in the breeze to land on their coat, muzzle and paws; this will help them cool down as the water moisture evaporates.
You could place ice cubes in their water bowl (make sure the ice cubes can’t be swallowed or taken whole).
Many owners however are unable to stay at home with their prize pooches, they have to go to work, visit family, go shopping etc. That’s when a PROFESSIONAL dog walker can come and play. Our Animals at Home professional dog walkers care about your dog’s health and welfare. We WON’T walk your dog when it’s hot! However, being the professionals that they are, Animals at Home pet carers WILL visit dogs at home during the hot times. They will have safe and gentle play, in a cool place, in the garden or make use of a doggy paddling pool, water mist sprays and cool mats.

You often see or hear of commercial dog walkers taking a bunch of dogs out in the heat and ‘enjoying’ a run through open fields or splashing around in rivers on very hot days; these activities (not alone from the time spent travelling and collecting / dropping dogs in the van for group walks) will raise the body temperature of dogs, will raise the excitement levels and stress levels of the dog; not good on any day, let alone a very hot day!
So, do take care where and when you go with your dog on a hot day; ideally pooch needs to stay at home in a cool place with all the tricks and tips keeping them cool, stress-free and content; and they’ll be able to safely have many many walks in the future when the weather is more ……… British!
Here’s some links to help you with your hot pets: