Animal Ambulance and Pet Taxi in
Animals at Home offer specialised Pet Transport for your pets in safe and secure vehicles for your pet transport needs.
Safe pet transport is a must for your pet, you may need your dog taking to the groomer, vet or moving house?
Our vehicle has been designed using the advice of Tim Watson, BVM&S, MRCVS veterinary practitioner, to ensure the safety and comfort of your pets. The vehicles are all authorised by the State Veterinary Service an arm of DEFRA as required by European Law.
We have had basic training at a Veterinary hospital in handling and administering medications, and completed an accredited pet first aid course.
If you need to have your pet transported by air to any worldwide destination see our Pet Airlines Service.
We will ensure we have the details of your pets registered vets, so should there be a problem while you are away, we can ensure your pet will receive care from their usual vets surgery.
Quote from a Veterinary Practice:
” We have found the service to be of remarkable use and help working with our small animal clinic. Since the development of the Pet Ambulance service we have found that clients are more willing to use it for routine appointments or for dropping animals in for surgical procedures.”
We are fully insured and happy to quote for any job locally, nationally or internationally.

Areas Serviced
Animal Ambulance and Pet Taxi in