5 Star Pet Care Service from Estelle
I’m writing to you about Estelle who runs the Oxford franchise. She’s looked after my 3 cats since I moved to the area just over 3 years ago.
She is absolutely amazing, and that’s probably an understatement. She goes above and beyond. The cats clearly love her – Minnie is very skittish and doesn’t let many people fuss her but Estelle gets plenty of love
I get regular messages and photos to let me know how they’re getting on. She also keeps an eye on the house for example letting me know when the alarm wasn’t set when she came in and that my ex was in the house (I’ve reassured her that’s OK but was grateful she checked)
Last week I went on a camping trip and realised after I left I hadn’t seen my most nomadic cat for 24 hours. 12 hours isn’t unusual but he loves food and cuddles so wouldn’t voluntarily be away that long. I cannot express my gratitude enough how she handled it. She drove round the area, spoke to nearby residents and trawled social media for lost cats. She found him 3 days after he’d gone missing in a nearby village. He’s far too nosy and friendly for his own good! He’d got in a car and gone for an unexpected trip but obviously didn’t cry as they parked up and he wasn’t found until the following day. After she saw the post she got in contact and was going to head over with a microchip reader and rescue him. The lady had just taken him to a nearby vet to get him scanned who then called the phone number on his chip to let us know where he was.
She clearly cares for the animals we entrust to her care and I’m so grateful to know they are incredibly well looked after while I’m away
If I could give her an award I absolutely would! She’s an asset to the franchise and I recommend her to anyone looking for a pet sitter. But I felt this needed more formal feedback because she brought one of my family safely home to me and the kids